Leaders in Regenerative Treatment


How to Refer

Medical Professionals – Our Team would be delighted to assist in the care and treatment of your patients. Referrals can either be made by telephone, email or formal letter and we are happy to contact your patient to arrange an appointment. Alternatively, you can provide our contact details to your patient so that they can make their own arrangements, we will of course keep you informed of their treatment.

Patients – You are of course able to self refer to use our services. This is more straightforward if you are paying for your own treatment, if you are using medical insurance you will normally need to have seen a clinician to arrange a referral and get pre-authorisation for your treatment.

Medical Insurers – Our Consultant Team features on your approved provider lists so we are happy to receive direct referrals from you to assist in the care of your members if their own clinician is not able to provide a recommendation.

Our Fees

We believe in transparency of pricing so that our aim is for all patients to know in advance what their fees will be for each clinic visit. If a patient has not previously seen a Consultant and wishes to undergo “see and treat” at their initial appointment any fees quoted in advance will be for guidance only and can be finalised at the first visit before any procedures are undertaken.

Not all treatments provided by the RRMG team are covered by medical insurers. They do not cover any GP, functional medicine, screening as well as some of the innovative non-surgical orthopaedic procedures such as Lipograms, CooledRF and Tenex. PRP is covered for some injuries but not others.

Insured clients

Patients with private medical insurance seeking treatment and rehabilitation are charged in accordance with their insurer’s published fee guidelines therefore fees will be paid in full subject to any policy excess or exclusion. The procedure code (CCSD code) will be provided to assist with your pre-authorisation of treatment. Confirmation of cover can be obtained when pre-authorisation is obtained for treatment. We can use this pre-authorisation number and your membership number to submit these charges directly to your insurer, if these are not provided you will be asked to pay at the time of treatment and submit the invoices to your insurer for reimbursement. For patients using their medical insurance to cover the charges, in accordance with industry standard practice, fees are only levied for the consultant element and the clinic will charge separately for any imaging and procedure facility fees

Self-funding clients

We regularly treat self-funding clients and are able to provide quotations for all investigations and treatments that we provide. This includes imaging studies such as ultrasound, X-ray and MRI scans.

Payment in full is required on the day, for consultations, outpatient treatments, medical aids, and investigations, with the exception of Arthrosamid, n-Stride, Cellular Matrix, Lipogems, Coolief and Tenex which is required in advance of the procedure appointment. The Imaging Centre will also require payment on the day for imaging investigations.

The standard price list below is for self-funding patients and is inclusive of consultant and clinic fees.

Functional Medicine and Human Performance fees are listed on their respective pages linked to the treatment and screening packages.

Dr Ralph Rogers Fees


ConsultationsCCSD CodeSelf-Pay fee (£)
Initial Consultation20300300
Follow-up Consultation20310200
Second Opinion Consultation20310400
MRI Reading (MRI not requested by RRMG)20310150
Initial Telemedicine Consultation (phone/video)20355150
Follow-up Telemedicine Consultation (phone/video)20365150

Outpatients Injections and Treatments

Soft tissue or tendon ultrasoundUS014300
Limb or joint diagnostic ultrasoundUS020300
Image guided injection (unilateral)W9030500
Image guided injection (bilateral)W9035850
Ostenil Plus - viscosupplementation into joint injection (unilateral)W9032600
Ostenil Plus- viscosupplement into joint injection (bilateral) W9033 £950W9033950
Ultrasound guided nerve block (unilateral)A7352600
Intramuscular injection, Piriformis (unilateral)X3770600
PRP (Autologous Blood Injection) - per injectionT7482*850
PRP (Autologous Blood Injection) - package of 3n/a2,100
Cellular Matrix (Autologous Blood Injection with Hyaluronic Acid)n/a1,000
Compartment pressure test with manometer & reportn/a1,420
Trigger Point Injection without ultrasound (more than 1 injection)T7292500
Aspiration under ultrasound W9030575
Cooled Radiofrequency 1 jointA7300*2,800
Cooled Radiofrequency 2-3 jointsA7300*5,400
Pulsed Radiofrequency per areaA7300*2,200
Tenex 1 arean/a3,200
Tenex 2 areasn/a4,200
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy AchillesT7250150
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy ShoulderT7480150
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Plantar FasciitisT5780150
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy TrochanterT6290150
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Lateral epicondylitisT8052150
Lipogems 1 joint (includes 1 follow up Telemedicine consultation)n/a6500
Lipogems 2 joints (includes 1 follow up Telemedicine consultation)n/a7500
additional joint (more than 2), price per each jointn/a500
Arthrosamid Injection (unilateral)n/a3,500
N-Stride 1 jointn/a2,000

Please note prices may differ depending on hospital location

Spinal Injections and Procedures (theatre)

Spinal injections and procedures (theatre)CCSD CodeSelf-Pay fee (£)
Facet & SIJ up to 3 joint Radiofrequencyn/a1,910
Facet & SIJ up to 4-6 joints Radiofrequencyn/a2,300
Facet Joint Injection 3 to 4 joints (Steroid)n/a1,910
Facet Joint Injection 5 or more joints (Steroid)n/a2,620
Transforaminal LumbarA57551,375
Sacroiliac Joint InjectionA57901,375
Epidural injection (caudal)A52111,375
Medial Branch Blocks 1 to 2 levels (Diagnostic)A57451,040
Medial Branch Blocks 3 to 4 levels (Diagnostic)A57451,375
Medial Branch Blocks 5 to 6 levels (Diagnostic)A57451,910
Facet Joint Injection 3 to 4 joints (PRP)n/a2,144
Facet Joint Injection 5 or more joints (PRP)n/a2,534
Cooled Radiofrequency (lumbar)A57652,300

For Spinal Injection prices and codes please contact our office directly on 02071125400

*Please check with your insurance provider if you are eligible for funding

Mr Emanuele Calabrese Fees

Initial Consultation 45 min150
Follow-up Consultation 45min150
Follow-up Consultation 30min95

Dr Giada Frontino Fees

Wellwoman checkup 20300220
Wellwoman checkup and pelvic TV ultrasound scan20300/IM272320
Pre-Pregnancy Consultation 20300220
Pre-Pregnancy Consultation with pelvic TV ultrasound scan 20300/IM272320
Fertility Consultation20300220
Antral Follicle Count Pelvic TV Ultrasound ScanIM272250
Contraception Consultation20300220
First Trimester Consultation and fetal scan (under 13 gestational weeks)20300/IM280320
Second Trimester Consultation and fetal reassurance scan (not an Anomaly scan) between 13-24 gestational weks20300/IM280380
Pelvic TV ultrasound scan IM272220
Coil insertionQ1280320
Coil removaln/a280
Coil removal and new coil insertionn/a350
Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography HyFoSyn/a600
Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography HyCoSyn/a600
Anomaly scanIM280350
Harmony TestIM280600

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Ralph Rogers Profile Working

Welcome to a Family RRMG Healthcare

Rogers Regenerative Medical Group (RRMG) provides world-class Regenerative Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine specializing in the comprehensive treatment of the musculoskeletal system and the use of specific treatment types best suited for sports injuries and a variety of other health issues. The treatments range from non-operative, minimally invasive, regenerative therapies or a combination.
Other services include metabolic medicine, exercise physiological testing, weight management, biomechanical analysis, ergonomic assessments, gait and postural analysis to identify and measure abnormal movement patterns and muscle imbalances, running medicine, nutritional guidance and weight management.


+44 (0) 20 7112 5400

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